
In 1989, the first specialty with a foreign language was formed at the Faculty of Philology: ‘Russian language and literature with an additional specialty English’. In connection with the relevance of the specialty, the department of foreign languages of the second specialty was formed (15/8/1990). In 1994, the Department of Germanic Philology was formed at the Faculty of Philology and the position of Deputy Dean for the Department of Germanic Philology was introduced. Departments of the English language with teaching methods and the German language with teaching methods were formed. In accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute dated 9/28/1994 and the order of the rector No. 736-k of 7/10/1994, Foreign Languages Faculty was created, which trained teachers of foreign languages in the following specialties: ‘English and the Belarusian language and literature’, ‘The Russian language and literature and English’, ‘The Belarusian language and literature and English’, ’The Belarusian language and literature and German’, ‘English’, ‘German’.


460 5 3
students of the first stage
of higher education
educational programs departments of training specialists

In 2013, the faculty was restructured, as a result of which the Department of English Philology, the Department of German Philology, and the Department of Linguodidactics were formed. Since 1/9/2016, the Department of Foreign Languages has been integrated into the structure of the faculty. In 2017, the structure of the faculty was optimized: the Department of German Philology and Linguodidactics was established. The structure of the faculty includes the following divisions: the Department of English Philology, the Department of German Philology and Linguodidactics, the Department of Foreign Languages, the interdepartmental study room. 460 students study at the faculty, including 64 foreign students, 10 graduate students. The training of future specialists is provided by 16 Candidates of Sciences, 2 Professors, 1 Doctor of Science.

The faculty has created a modern infrastructure, in particular, the Competence Center is equipped with the PolyCom system, which makes it possible to implement networked pedagogical interaction with partner universities (interactive lectures on the network, international webinars, scientific web conferences). There are computer classes and multimedia linguaphone, an interdepartmental study room, etc.

Faculty teachers are quite active in scientific activities. It is traditional for the faculty to hold international and republican scientific and practical conferences. Students of the faculty are also actively and effectively engaged in science. In 2013 - 2019 at the Republican competition of student scientific works, 27 competitive works of students and graduates of the Faculty of Foreign Languages received categories, six of them got the first category.

One of the target priorities of the faculty is integration into the European Higher Education Area. Students of the faculty actively participate in the European programs of academic mobility ‘Erasmus +’, ‘EMBER’, DAAD (study at universities in Italy, Poland, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Germany). The faculty has concluded cooperation agreements with the Higher Pedagogical School in Weingarten (Germany), the Higher Pedagogical Gymnasium in Kreuzlingen (Switzerland). In 2014 - 2019 12 students of the faculty underwent pre-diploma practice and implemented programs of ‘inclusive’ education in these educational institutions.

Teachers of the faculty departments are actively developing educational and methodological complexes in accordance with the standards of the third generation (‘Language of the Media’, ‘Discourse Analysis’, ‘Discursive Practice’, ‘Federal Lands of Germany’, ‘Linguistics of Poetic Text’, ‘Stylistics’, etc. ).

The pride of the faculty is the volunteer group of student interpreters ‘LINGUA’ - one of the best volunteer student teams of the Republic of Belarus (provides translation support at international creative festivals, for example, ‘Belaya Vezha’, international competitions, for example, world championships in rowing, ice hockey, etc.)

On the initiative of student self-government, an official group of the Foreign Languages Faculty was created on the VKontakte social network. Traditional for the faculty are such events as ‘Art Session’, ‘Miss Spring’, ‘Christmas warmth’, ‘Linguistic KVN’, ‘Forum-Theater’, etc.

Alumni are in great demand in the labor market by educational institutions, residents of the High-Tech Park, etc.

Принадлежность к структурным подразделениям: 
Принадлежность к структурным подразделениям: 


28 Mitskevich st., Brest, 224016 Belarus

Phone number

(+375 162) 21-48-53,
(+375 162) 21-71-27



Принадлежность к структурным подразделениям: 

Information export support website

Official website about higher education in the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens

The Centre for International Relations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus