21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard,
Brest, Belarus 224016Phone number:
+375 162 37‑00‑96
+375 162 21‑65‑17
Fax: +375 162 21-70-53
box@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Room 217/1, Brest, 224016, Belarus
+ 375 162 37-01-27
marzans@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Brest, 224016, Belarus, Room 207
+375 162 21-66-86
inovac@brsu.by -
International activities
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Academic building № 1, Room 117, Brest, 224016, Belarus
Phone numbers: +375 162 37-01-29
+375 29 21-06-115
int@brsu.by - Services
Leadership of the Law Faculty
DeanCandidate of Law, Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines
Deputy Dean for Research (office 611)Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Economics
Deputy DeanSenior Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Economics
Anna DudchikDeputy Dean for Ideological and Educational WorkLecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Deputy Dean for Physical Education and SportsMaster of Pedagogic Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture
Anastasia PasternakDean's office secretary
Irina PashkevichSpecialist in organizing and supporting the educational process for correspondence courses
Olga PechenevskayaSpecialist in organizing and supporting the educational process for correspondence courses