21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard,
Brest, Belarus 224016Phone number:
+375 162 37‑00‑96
+375 162 21‑65‑17
Fax: +375 162 21-70-53
box@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Room 217/1, Brest, 224016, Belarus
+ 375 162 37-01-27
marzans@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Brest, 224016, Belarus, Room 207
+375 162 21-66-86
inovac@brsu.by -
International activities
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Academic building № 1, Room 117, Brest, 224016, Belarus
Phone numbers: +375 162 37-01-29
+375 29 21-06-115
int@brsu.by -
Visiting professor program
The State Programme «Visiting Professor» is implemented within the framework of the State Programme «Education and Youth Policy» for 2016-2020, the State Programme «Education and Youth Policy» for 2021-2025 (hereinafter – the State Programme), which is aimed at a comprehensive solution of urgent problems of development of all levels of education, including the development of basic (pre-school, general secondary, special, vocational, secondary special and higher) level of education, additional education of children's.
The goals of the State Programme are to improve the quality and accessibility of education in accordance with the needs of the innovation economy, the requirements of the information society, and the educational needs of citizens, to develop the potential of young people and their involvement in socially useful activities.
In the Republic of Belarus, within the framework of the State Programme, measures aimed at further internationalisation of higher education, increasing the export of educational services, increasing the competitiveness and prestige of professional training in the country's higher education institutions are being implemented at the expense of the national budget:
- organisation of compulsory internships for teachers of general professional and special disciplines in organisations, including abroad;
- attracting leading specialists, including foreign ones, to give lectures at IHE, taking into account innovative achievements in the relevant fields of knowledge;
- sending promising master's students of IHE for training in leading foreign educational and research centres on priority directions of development of economic sectors.
BrSU also takes an active part in the implementation of the State Programme for 2016-2020.
year 2016
Within the framework of the State Programme implementation at the expense of the national budget in 2016, leading specialists of foreign institutions of higher education were attracted to carry out the educational process at the University:
- Head of the Department of Mathematical Physics at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Valery Grigorievich Samoilenko gave a special course «Korteweg-de Fries equation and its applications in mathematics and physics» for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics;
- Associate Professor of the Department of General and Molecular Genetics of the Training and Research Centre «Institute of Biology» of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Iryna Kozeretska gave a course of lectures on population genetics with presentation of the results of modern world research on Drosophila genetics to the students of the Faculty of Biology;
- Petr Mazur, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of the Higher State Professional School in Chelm, conducted training sessions on the problems of modernisation of teaching and education methods in a modern school for students of the Faculty of Social and Pedagogical Sciences;
- Olga Lyubitseva, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Head of the Department of Country Studies and Tourism of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, gave lectures to students of the Faculty of Geography.
year 2017
As part of the implementation of the State Programme at the expense of the national budget in 2017, leading experts from foreign higher education institutions were engaged to carry out the educational process at the University:
- Professor Algimantas Antonovičius Čiasnulyavičius, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of Vilnius University, gave a course of lectures on «Application of graphic computer programmes for geographical maps» to the students of the Faculty of Geography, speciality «Geography (scientific and pedagogical activity)»; the students had an opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of compilation and content of thematic maps on the example of the National Atlas of Lithuania (A. Čiasnulyavičius is one of the authors of the said atlas); special attention was paid to the cartographic method of research, which is a «cross-cutting» method in geography; students were introduced to new geo-information approaches and the use of thematic maps;
- Professor Antonius Mironowicz, Head of the Department of History of Central and Eastern Europe at the Faculty of History and Sociology of the University of Białystok, gave a course of lectures on «Selected Problems in the History of Christianity in Central and Eastern Europe» to the students of the Faculty of History, speciality «History (of Religions)»; the lecturer, who is an authoritative expert on the history of Christianity in the Central and Eastern European region in Poland and abroad, acquainted the students with the latest achievements of foreign countries during the lecture course;
- Professor Marc Van Hulle of the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) gave a course of lectures in English on «Computational neuroscience» to students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, speciality «Applied mathematics»; for the first time in Belarus, a course of lectures on the application of mathematics, computational methods and programming in neuroscience was given to students by one of the creators of the electroencephalograph, a device that monitors the fluctuations of the brain's electrical activity, with the help of which people can monitor the electrical activity of the brain.
year 2018
As part of the implementation of the State Programme at the expense of the national budget in 2018, leading experts from foreign higher education institutions were engaged to carry out the educational process at the University:
- Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Sociology of the Lesya Ukrainka East European National University (Ukraine) Virna Zhanna Petrovna conducted training sessions for students of the socio-pedagogical faculty of the university;
- Professor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Head of the Department of Geography of the Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Siberian Federal University (Russia) Yamskikh Galina Yurievna conducted training sessions on ‘Palaeography: global and regional events’ for students of the Faculty of Geography;
- Radoslaw Janiak, Professor of the Department of Prahistory at the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Lodz (Poland), gave a lecture course on the archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe for students of the Faculty of History.
year 2019
Within the framework of the State Programme at the expense of the national budget in 2019, leading specialists of foreign institutions of higher education were attracted to carry out the educational process at the University:
- Doctor of Geological Sciences (Candidate of Geographical Sciences), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Mineral Resources of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Remezova Elena Aleksandrovna, a course of lectures for students of the Faculty of Geography on «Palaeogeomorphological analysis and reconstruction of the relief of Polesie. Relief of the Ukrainian and Belarusian Polesie» within the framework of the disciplines «Geomorphology», «Geography of Belarus»;
- Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Literature, Theory of Literature and Slavonic Philology of the Yury Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Chervinska Olga Aleksandrovna, a course of lectures for students of the Faculty of Philology on «Arguments of Form» within the framework of the disciplines «Introduction to Literary Studies», «Theory of Literature», «History of Foreign Literature», «Literature of the Near Abroad».
year 2022
As part of the implementation of the State Programme at the expense of the national budget in 2022, leading specialists from foreign institutions of higher education were engaged to carry out the educational process at the university:
- Vasily Ivanovich Suprun, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics of Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, teacher of Tsaritsyn Orthodox University, giving lectures on Slavic linguistics for students of III and IV courses of specialities «Russian Philology» and «Belarusian Philology», master's students and teachers of the Faculty of Philology;
- Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Elementary and Preschool Education of the State Humanitarian-Technological University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Alexei Mayer, giving lectures for students of the Social and Pedagogical Faculty.
year 2023
Within the framework of the State Programme implementation at the expense of the republican budget in 2023, leading specialists of foreign higher education institutions were attracted to carry out the educational process at the University:
- Pavel Anatolievich Pegin, Head of the Department of «Construction Structures, Buildings and Structures», Professor of St. Petersburg State University of Railway Transport of the Emperor Alexander I, giving lectures for students of the speciality «Urbanology and City Management»;
- Irina Filatova, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy, Institute of Special Education and Psychology, Moscow City Pedagogical University, giving lectures for students of the Social and Pedagogical Faculty, speciality «Speech Therapy».
year 2024
Within the framework of the State Programme implementation at the expense of the national budget in 2024, leading specialists of foreign institutions of higher education were attracted to carry out the educational process at the university:
- Alexei Anatolievich Romanov, professor of the Department of Biogeography of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, giving lectures for first-year students of the speciality «Urbanology and City Management»;
- Head of the Department of Urban Planning of the National Research Moscow State Construction University Danilina Nina Vasilievna, lecturing for students of the speciality «Urbanology and City Management»;
- Irina Leonidovna Solovieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, lecturing to students of the Faculty of Social and Pedagogical Education on «Inclusion in the Continuous Inclusive Education of Children with Sensory Disabilities».