The Faculty of Philology was established at Brest Pedagogical Institute on 1 November 1950, the first name was the Faculty of Language and Literature. The faculty has 2 Doctors of Science, 28 Candidates of Sciences. 25 teachers have the title of Associate Professor, 3 teachers have the title of professor. The provision of personnel with higher scientific qualifications is 85.7 %.

Student scientific work

The faculty has a student scientific society that actively participates in the organization and conduct of scientific events (seminars, conferences, Olympiads, etc.). As a result of the conferences, collections of students' scientific works are published. More than 100 people take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Philologists ‘Word in language, speech, text’ annually. The Department of Russian Literature and Journalism regularly organizes the large-scale student conference ‘Classics and Modernity in Fine Arts of the 19th – 21st Centuries’.

Student research groups work at faculty departments (in the 2020–2021 academic year – 16). Under the guidance of Doctor of Philology, Professor I. Shved, a student research laboratory ‘Folklore and Local History’ exists.

Annually at least 4 student scientific works take part in the republican competition, all of them are awarded with diplomas of categories I, II, III.

Faculty students take an active part in republican and international scientific conferences in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Poland.

Ideological and educational work

The very content of philological education contributes to the intensity and effectiveness of educational work: the study of language and literature is a traditional, time-tested form of education. But literary evenings, meetings with writers and presentations of new books are a small part of the system of ideological and educational work.

The information space of the faculty is being improved. In addition to traditional wall newspapers based on the results of summer practices, for the anniversaries of writers and scientists, etc., in the corridors of the faculty you can read the educational newspaper ‘Word’, informational and literary almanac ‘Russian Center of BrSU: people, facts, events’.

Such significant events as open university competitions have become traditional: the competition ‘Secrets of words and thoughts’ and the oratory competition ‘Master of the word’; Festival of foreign students, International Pushkin Festival ‘Friends, our union is wonderful...’, within the framework of which an open competition of reciters, stage competition, competition of essays, posters, master classes are held.

A number of other events are held at Philology Faculty: Week of Native Language and Literature, Days of Youth Creativity ‘Our Pushkin’, Interfaculty Days of Slavic Written Language, Week of Philology Faculty, ‘Pushkin Meetings at Philology Faculty’, etc. Since 2019, the faculty has been holding the ‘Philology’ competition, a competition for staging works of Belarusian writers. Since 2008, on the last Saturday of June, an alumni meeting has been held.

There is a theater studio, a literary circle (headed by Associate Professor S. Shcherba), a discussion club (headed by Associate Professor L. Sadko). The creative team ‘Your Radio’ prepares news, entertainment and educational programs every day.

Bodies of student self-government play a special role in the system of educational work of the faculty: student trade union bureau, student scientific society, BRYU committee, head men team. There are 2 volunteer teams (‘NEXT’, ‘Better Together’). Educational activities take place not only in the educational building, but also in dormitories.

Принадлежность к структурным подразделениям: 
Принадлежность к структурным подразделениям: 

The 1st stage

Full-time education

Direction of the specialty: 1-21 05 01-01 ‘Belarusian Philology (literary and editorial activity)’

1-21 05 01-01 01 'Linguistics'
1-21 05 01-01 02 'Literature studies'

Direction of the specialty: 1-21 05 02-01 ‘Russian Philology (literary and editorial activity)'

1-21 05 02-01 01 'Linguistics'
1-21 05 02-01 02 'Literature studies'

The 2nd stage (Master’s degree)

Correspondence courses

  • Specialty 1-21 80 11 Linguistics (study period 2 years)

Profiling: Russian linguistics, Belarusian linguistics

  • Specialty: 1-21 80 10 Literary criticism (study period 1.5 years)

Profiling: Russian literature studies, Belarusian literature studies

Принадлежность к структурным подразделениям: 



28 Mitskevich st., rooms 329, 330, Brest, 224016, Belarus

Phone number

(+375 162) 21-71-03
(+375 162) 21-64-62


Принадлежность к структурным подразделениям: 

Information export support website

Official website about higher education in the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens

The Centre for International Relations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus