Choose confidence in the future – an open day was held at Brest State A.S. Pushkin University

The Open Day at Brest State A.S.Pushkin University took place on 1 April. It is not surprising that it gathered a lot of applicants, because the university is the flagship of higher education in the Brest region, it offers a wide range of specialties, including new ones.

The introduction of school students to BrSU began with a speciality exhibition for final year students of general secondary education institutions. The deans, professors and students welcomed everyone and demonstrated the capabilities and achievements of the faculties.

Rector Anna Sender welcomed the potential students. Anna Nikolaevna noted that Brest State A.S.Pushkin University has been a forge of highly qualified professionals for several decades, which means that the education provided by the university is of high quality and its graduates are competitive specialists on the labour market.

Svetlana Tkach, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, explained the aspects of the new Admission Rules, highlighted the different trajectories of admission in the university in 2023.

The speakers also presented the organisation of the educational process at the university, research activities of students, international cooperation and the rich history of our alma mater, which is filled with numerous traditions. Creative groups and performers of BrSU showed a rich student life at the university.


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