II International research and practice conference «Monitoring of the environment»

II International research and practice conference «Monitoring of the environment» was held at the University on 2527 of September, 2013. The Conference was coincided with the Year of the ecological culture and protection of the environment in CIS as well as with 20 years anniversary of the National system of environment monitoring.

Opening the conference pro-vice-rector of the University, professor and doctor of pedagogical sciences Sender Anna Nikolaevna emphasized great importance of the research and practice work aimed for maintaining the environment and wished all the participants productive work in the assigned mission.

Yalkovskaya Tamara Anatolievna in the opening speech emphasized the role of the universities in the ecological education and attitude development of the youth.

At the plenary meeting the following people took the floor: Aronov Arkadiy Gesselevich (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Director of the Center of Geophysical Monitoring of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (the city of Minsk) reported on «Seismologic control within the structure of geophysical monitoring of Belarus»; Gayduk Vasiliy Emelianovich (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Zoology and Genetics of the Brest State A.S. Pushkin University (the City of Brest)) reported on «The results of the regional monitoring of number of birds at the South-West territory of  Belarus»; Kirvel Ivan Iosifovich (Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of the Environment analysis of the Pomor Academy (the City of Slupsk, Poland) reported on «The risks of emergency caused by high wind coincided with landscapes»; Kolbas Aleksander Petrovich (the City of Brest, Brest State A.S. Pushkin University, PhD ecology (France)) reported on «Modern ways of bio monitoring and phytosanitary of polluted soils»; Mikhalchiuk Nikolay Vasilievich (PhD of Biological Sciences,Associate professor, Head of the SSE "Polesski agrarian-ecological Institute NAS of Belarus" (the city of Brest) reported on «Theoretical foundations and practical aspects in implementation of methods in bioindication of calciferous soils of the Belarusian Polessie»; Chechko Bladimir Andreevich (PhD of  Geological Mineralogical Sciences, Higher Scientific Researcher of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Atlantic Department) reported on «Long-term dynamics of insoluble atmospheric airborne particles perforating into the south-east shoreland of Baltic with precipitation ».

The participants of the Conference proceeded on sections, where they discussed 66 reports. The closing part took place at the Conference hall of the Winter garden.

The scientists from Belarus (the cities of Minsk, Gomel, Grodno, Brest and a.s. Lyaskovichi), from Russia (the cities of Moscow and Tyumen), from Ukraine (the cities of Kiev, Rovno, Lvov, Lutsk), from Poland (the cities of Gdansk and Slupsk) took part at the Conference. On the 27th of September, 2013 the guests of our city visited a national park «Bialowieza forest» as well as the Residence of Ded Moroz and Museum of the National park.

In conclusion the participants thanked providers of the Conference.

Geographical Department


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