International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Art of Words in the Dialogue of Cultures: Problems of Comparativistics”

On March 12–13, 2020 the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Art of Words in the Dialogue of Cultures: Problems of Comparativistics” organized by the Chair of Russian Literature and Journalism took place at the Department of Philology of the Brest State A. S. Pushkin University. More than 100 speakers from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Poland and China announced their participation in the forum.

The International Forum was opened by the Head of the Chair of Russian Literature and Journalism L. V. Skibitskaya and the Dean of the Department of Philology T. V. Senkevich.

A musical gift for the conference participants was prepared by students of the Brest State Music College named after Grigory Shirma.

During the plenary meeting, 11 reports were presented. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor I. G. Mineralova  (Moscow Pedagogical State University), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor I. A. Shved (Pushkin Brest State University), Candidate of Art History, Head of the Chair of Culturology and Psychological and Pedagogical Disciplines A. N. Gavrilova (Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts), Associate Professor A. V. Zezyulevich ( Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala), Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor I. I. Minchuk (Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala), Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor L. A. Shkor (Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank) devoted their speeches to different aspects of comparativistics. V. A. Vorontsov, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Kazan Institute of Eurasian and International Studies) presented a video report.

The plenary meeting was continued by speeches of young researchers – graduate student of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank N. F. Kalyutchik and master's students of the Moscow State Pedagogical University A. Y. Dormidontova, A. V. Fursova and D. A. Gushchina.

The conference continued with the work in 6 sections, and on March 13 a tour around Brest was organized for the guests of the forum, which was organized by the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Chair of General History of BrSU A. Y. Bodak.

A compilation of materials will be published as a result of the conference.

СС. Klunduk,
Associate Professor of Chair of Russian Literature and Journalism


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