21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard,
Brest, Belarus 224016Phone number:
+375 162 37‑00‑96
+375 162 21‑65‑17
Fax: +375 162 21-70-53
box@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Room 217/1, Brest, 224016, Belarus
+ 375 162 37-01-27
marzans@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Brest, 224016, Belarus, Room 207
+375 162 21-66-86
inovac@brsu.by -
International activities
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Academic building № 1, Room 117, Brest, 224016, Belarus
Phone numbers: +375 162 37-01-29
+375 29 21-06-115
int@brsu.by -
A joint project of the Confucius Institute and the regional library
The Confucius Institute of Brest State A.S. Pushkin University in cooperation with the Brest Regional Maxim Gorky Library launched the project "Days of Chinese Culture and Literature in Brest". It is held from 6 to 14 March and includes a number of meetings, presentations, exhibitions and other forms of work. The aim of the project is to show Brest citizens a wide palette of Belarusian-Chinese interaction, promote friendship between the two peoples and stimulate interest in learning Chinese.
At the opening of the Days of Chinese Culture and Literature in Brest, the directors of the Confucius Institute Fang Shengliang and Angela Saidi noted that the Institute has reached a new level of development and today it not only offers educational services, but is also a cultural platform and a platform for business dialogue. In their opinion, intercultural interaction allows the representatives of two countries to be spiritually enriched.
The presentation of the book series "Bright Signs: Poets of China", which combines books in Chinese and Belarusian languages, took place at the event. On such an occasion, Alexander Karliukevich, editor-in-chief of the publishing house Zvyazda, came to the opening of the Days. There were literary readings of Chinese poets translated into Belarusian, a recitation of Yanka Kupala's poem "Who's Coming There?" in Chinese. A video message by Professor Bei Wenli, Head of the Centre for Belarusian Studies at the East China Normal University in Shanghai, was presented.
The programme of the project is rich and diverse. Next week the director of the Chinese Confucius Institute Fang Shengliang and teachers of the Belarusian State Technical University will give an open lecture devoted to the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. There will be master classes and meetings with students and teachers from the fifth gymnasium and secondary school number seven, where pupils successfully study the language of the East Asian country. The exhibition "Belarus-China: Openness, Harmony, Peace" will be on show. At the end of the Days of Chinese Culture and Literature, a meeting with Anna Liu, a teacher of classical dance at the Huanghe Institute of Science and Technology in Zhengzhou, is scheduled.