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box@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Room 217/1, Brest, 224016, Belarus
+ 375 162 37-01-27
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International activities
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Academic building № 1, Room 117, Brest, 224016, Belarus
Phone numbers: +375 162 21-06-68
+375 29 21-06-115
int@brsu.by -
Republican student research and training conference “Educational environment as a forming factor of general and professional personal culture”
On April 29, 2016 Republican student research and training conference “Educational environment as a forming factor of general and professional personal culture” took place within the framework of state youth policy in Brest region. Pedagogy Department of Brest State A.S. Pushkin University and Youth Affairs Division of the main ideological, cultural and youth affairs Department of Brest Regional Executive Committee acted as organizers of this conference.
Vice-rector on scientific work and economics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor A.E. Budzko addressed with the opening speech to the participants.
The head of Youth Affairs Division Y.S. Sergenyuk opened the plenary meeting of the conference with the report “Realization of state youth policy in Brest region”. Then acted the pupils of Brest gymnasium № 6 named after Marshall of the Soviet Union Zhukov G.K. and students of Brest State A.S. Pushkin University and BarSU.
There were 6 sections on which a wide variety of actual problems were discussed: “Educational environment as a factor of personal development”, “Educational environment as a factor of self-development and self-fulfillment”, “Educational environment as a forming factor of civic personal culture”, “Educational environment as a developing factor of moral personal culture”, “Family and gender education of students: traditions and innovations. Everyday life and leisure activity education of students in conditions of modern social and cultural situation”, “Professional training of prospective specialists: Educational environment as a factor of inclusive education”.
The highlight of the conference became master class on making café-dialogue “The teacher of a new school”, that was organized by the students of Baranovichi state University under the guidance of Candidate of pedagogic sciences, assistant professor of BarSU V.I. Kozel.
More than 500 people took part in the conference and 96 reports were heard. Among the participants there were students of a regional lyceum named after P.M. Masherov, Brest gymnasium № 6, a lecturer of Brest Polytechnic College, lecturers and students of BarSU, students of the Belarusian state Academy of aviation and Minsk linguistic University and others.
It is planned to create a collector of articles by the results of the conference.
I.G. Matytsyna
Pedagogy Department