21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard,
Brest, Belarus 224016Phone number:
+375 162 37‑00‑96
+375 162 21‑65‑17
Fax: +375 162 21-70-53
box@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Room 217/1, Brest, 224016, Belarus
+ 375 162 37-01-27
marzans@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Brest, 224016, Belarus, Room 207
+375 162 21-66-86
inovac@brsu.by -
International activities
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Academic building № 1, Room 117, Brest, 224016, Belarus
Phone numbers: +375 162 37-01-29
+375 29 21-06-115
int@brsu.by -
VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of theory and methods of physical education and sports training"
On 11-12 June at Brest State A.S. Pushkin University the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of the theory and methods of physical education and sports training", timed to the 55th anniversary of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, is taking place. It was organised by the Department of Sports Disciplines and Methods of Teaching. It was attended by 88 speakers and listeners.
The aim of the conference is to integrate scientific achievements, practical activities and educational results of scientists and practitioners in the field of physical culture and sport. Eighty-eight specialists from Belarus, Russia and Uzbekistan - domestic and foreign scientists, teachers, managerial and executive staff, researchers - are invited to participate in the conference. The problem field of the conference includes issues of Olympic education, innovative health-saving technologies in physical education of the younger generation and many others.
On the first day of the conference there was a telebridge with foreign colleagues. At the plenary session, the dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of BrSU Sergey Alexandrovich Surkov, Vice-Rector for Science of our university Peter Egorovich Rezkin, Director of the Institute of Physical Education and Sport of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky LSPU (Lipetsk, Russian Federation) Andrey Viktorovich Chebotaryov, Head of the Department of Physical Education of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus Irina Ivanovna Loseva and Director of the Higher School of Physical Education and Sport, FGAOU (Kaliningrad, Russian Federation) Denis Ivanovich Voronin addressed the participants of the event with greetings.
On 12 June the work of the conference continued in sections in four areas - theoretical, methodological and practical problems of the modern system of physical education and sport, modern information technologies in physical education and sport, Olympic education, innovative health-saving technologies in physical education of schoolchildren and students, methodological, biological and psychological problems of physical education and sport. Angela Petrovna Kisel, the assistant of the responsible secretary of the admission committee of BrSU, made a report on the possibility of admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to our university. This year for them forty-one budgetary places in twelve specialities are allocated.
A tour of Brest's sights was also organised for the conference participants. The guests of the scientific event were presented with certificates of participants.
Julia Vovk