We open our hearts to the peaks of knowledge

University assembly devoted to the Day of Knowledge was held at BrSU on September 1. On this holiday 679 first-year students of full-time education became part of a large friendly university family.

Employees and students of BrSU work with dignity for the benefit of the university, preserve and increase its glorious traditions, spiritual, cultural and material values, honor the anthem, emblem and flag of the university. At the assembly the flag of the university was carried to the sounds of his anthem by a first-year student of the Department of Philology, the owner of the third degree third stage diploma of the Republican Olympiad in the Russian language and literature Anastasia Piletskaya and a first-year student of the Department of Physical Education, master of sports of the Republic of Belarus in sports acrobatics, multiple winner and medalist of championships of the Republic of Belarus, a member of the European Championship Adrian Trofimovich.

The first-year students were welcomed by the Rector of the University Anna Sender. Addressing the guys, Anna Nikolaevna noted that they became students of one of the best universities in the country, which is proved by the Government Prize for Quality received for the second time. The rector expressed confidence that students will quickly enter a new rhythm for them, because the university professors always help to adapt to new life realities. Anna Nikolaevna wished everyone success in conquering the peaks of knowledge.

During the years of studying the present first-year students will enlarge their knowledge base and achieve great success, which will be forever inscribed in the chronicle of our university. Deans of departments will help the new students on their way to achievements. Anna Nikolaevna presented them with souvenirs - statuettes, made especially for the Day of Knowledge. These gifts are the symbol of the connection between generations: the heroic past and the peaceful present. They show BrSU's emblem and Brest Fortress's Holm Gate, which is symbolic, because our university is the same age as the Great Victory.

The celebration was enriched by a concert program prepared by senior students, which expressively demonstrated what a rich creative life is in the university.

The new generation of students at Brest State A.S. Pushkin University was lucky to become students in a significant year for the University – its 75th anniversary. It is honorable and doubly responsible for first-year students to start their educational path at this time: they have to prove themselves as purposeful individuals, smart and talented students, to prove with their thoughts and deeds that they are ready to multiply the traditions of the University and the national wealth of our country.

Julia Vovk, student club


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