The Confucius Institute summarises the results of the academic year


On the 27th of June the Confucius Institute summarised the results of the academic year. Vice-Rector for Science Petr Egorovich Rezkin greeted the teachers and staff. Director of the Confucius Institute (from the Belarusian side) Angela Evgenievna Saidi presented a report on the work of the academic year and outlined the perspectives for the next year.


In the 2023/24 academic year, nine Chinese teachers worked at the Confucius Institute. Teachers - native speakers ensured a quality educational process at the speciality "Modern Foreign (English, Chinese) Languages". More than five hundred people aged from eight to fifty-five years old attended Chinese language courses at the Confucius Institute as part of elective courses and in general secondary education institutions of Brest and Zhabinka - partners of the Confucius Institute. A new direction - the course "Business Chinese Language and Fundamentals of Chinese Culture" - was opened for training employees of the business sector, state administration bodies, production and financial spheres. The Institute's students won five prizes at the International Competition "Chinese Language Bridge".


Professor, Director of the Confucius Institute (from the Chinese side) Fang Shengliang, teachers Liu Sichen, Sun Rui, Chen Kainin, Gao Yani, Peng Peipei were awarded with the Rector's gratitude for efficient work, professionalism and high results of the students.

Angela Evgenievna Saidi,
Director of the Confucius Institute
(from the Belarusian side)


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