21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard,
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+375 162 37‑00‑96
+375 162 21‑65‑17
Fax: +375 162 21-70-53
box@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Room 217/1, Brest, 224016, Belarus
+ 375 162 37-01-27
marzans@brsu.by -
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Brest, 224016, Belarus, Room 207
+375 162 21-66-86
inovac@brsu.by -
International activities
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Academic building № 1, Room 117, Brest, 224016, Belarus
Phone numbers: +375 162 37-01-29
+375 29 21-06-115
int@brsu.by -
Students of the Socio-Pedagogical Faculty - participants of the V Eurasian Student Competition Social innovations
The team of the Socio-Pedagogical Faculty took part in the V Eurasian Student Competition Social innovations in the online format. It was organised by the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of the Belarusian State University. The team "Creators of the Future" of our university included 3-4 year students of specialities "Social Work (Social and Psychological Activities)" and "Social Pedagogy" Daria Kozik, Alexandra Ivanyuk, Victoria Kuchuk, Alyona Murina and Ekaterina Fedkovich. Margarita Moserova, Deputy Dean for Educational Work, supervised the team.
The competition program included five contests. Within the framework of the competition "Advertising of the speciality" the teams prepared video clips reflecting the prestige of their speciality and the advantages of studying it, as well as demonstrated the name, emblem and motto of the teams.
In the competition of social projects "Assistance in Crisis Situations" participants presented social projects that they are ready to implement during the year. The projects were developed for educational institutions and psychological and pedagogical assistance services. The team of the Socio-Pedagogical Faculty prepared the project "Drawing Light". Its main idea is to create an art therapy studio on the basis of BrSU for teenagers of Brest city with identified suicidal risk. The students also proposed to register an instagram account "Drawing Light" on the Internet to post posts with art-therapeutic techniques for teenagers, agreed with experts in the field of psychology and social pedagogy.
The competition "Here's a situation" involved solving cases simulating real situations of professional activity of social work specialists. The task "Social Erudite" was aimed at testing students' knowledge of social work and psychology. The contest "Blitz-question" was aimed at testing theoretical knowledge in the field of social work.
"Participation in the Social Innovations Competition left an indelible impression and became a significant stage in professional and personal development," Ekaterina Fedkovich shared her impressions.
- This experience gave us a unique opportunity to test and deepen our knowledge in the field of social sciences, as well as to apply it in practice in solving actual problems. Teamwork contributed to the development of communication skills and cohesion, allowed everyone to demonstrate their leadership skills and ability to work under time constraints.
We received valuable advice from experts and practitioners in the field of social sciences, expanded our understanding of the diversity of approaches to solving social problems. The experience gained during the Competition became a powerful stimulus for further professional development, understanding that beyond academic knowledge lies a huge field for creativity, innovation and implementation of new approaches in the practice of social work, pedagogy and psychology.
The Social Innovations Competition is a big step towards the development of students as qualified professionals and conscious citizens who want to contribute to the development of society".
The team "Creators of the Future" was awarded a diploma in the nomination "Best Social Project".
Margarita Nikolaevna Moserova,
Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the of Socio-Pedagogical Faculty