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International activities
21 Kosmonavtov Boulevard, Academic building № 1, Room 117, Brest, 224016, Belarus
Phone numbers: +375 162 37-01-29
+375 29 21-06-115
int@brsu.by -
Maxim Albertovich BOGDASAROV
Vice-Rector for Science
of Brest State A.S. Pushkin University,
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor,
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Contact Information
Short biography
He was born on 24 October 1973 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan).
In 1990 graduated from secondary school № 9 in Brest.
In 1995 he graduated with honours from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Brest State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Pushkin with a degree in Geography and Biology; in 1998 – completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus with a degree in General and Regional Geology; in 2008 – completed doctoral studies at the Belarusian Research Geological Exploration Institute with a degree in General and Regional Geology.
The academic degree of Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences was awarded by the decision of the D 01.22.01 Dissertation Defence Council at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on 23.10.1998 (Protocol No. 5). The subject of the thesis is ‘Amber from Anthropogenic sediments of Belarus’. Scientific supervisor – Academician A.V. Matveev. The academic title of Associate Professor in the speciality ‘Geology’ was granted by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus dated 25.06.2003 No. 32C (Protocol No. 15/19).
The academic degree of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences was awarded by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus No. 29D dated 21.10.2009 (Protocol No. 16/3). The subject of the thesis is ‘Fossil resins of Northern Eurasia’. Scientific adviser – Academician A.V. Matveev. The academic title of Professor in the speciality ‘Geology’ was awarded by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus dated 08.05.2013 No. 9P (Protocol No. 9/5).
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the speciality ‘Geology’ (Resolution of the General Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus No. 6 dated 16.11.2017).
He has been working in BrSU since August 1995, successively holding the positions of assistant-trainee, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor; since July 2010 – Head of the Chair of Geography of Belarus, since September 2015 – Head of the Chair of Geography and Nature Management; since December 2020 – Professor of the Department of Geography and Nature Management; since January 2024 – Head of the Department of Urban and Regional Development; since September 2024 – Vice-Rector for Science of Brest State A.S. Pushkin University.
Scientific activity
Author of 400 scientific and educational works, including:
16 monographs, including ‘Amber from archaeological monuments of Belarus’ (1995), ‘Amber from anthropogenic deposits of Belarus’ (2001), ‘Fossil resins of Belarus’ (2003, in co-authorship with A.A. Bogdasarov), ‘Fossil resins of Northern Eurasia’ (2005), ‘Amber and other fossil resins of Eurasia’ (2010 – 1st ed, 2017 – 2nd ed.), ‘Geology and Minerageny of Quaternary Sediments of the Podlasie-Brest Depression’ (2011), ‘Relief of the Podlasie-Brest Depression’ (2013, co-authored with N.F. Grechanik and A.V. Matveev), ‘Yaselda’ (2017, edited by A.A. Volchek et al.), ‘Nature Management of Polesie. Book 1: Belarusian Polesie. Vol. 1: Natural Resource Potential’ (2018, edited by Y.A. Mazhaisky et al.), ’Nature Management of Polesie. Book 1: Belarusian Polesie. Vol. 2: Transformation and Use of Natural Resources’ (2019, edited by Y.A. Mazhaisky et al.), “Brest Oblast: Nature, Population, Economy” (2023, edited by I.V. Abramova);
8 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, including ‘Geophysics’ (2014, co-authored with V.S. Khadyeva), ‘Methods of Remote Sensing in Geology and Geography’ (2015, co-authored with V.S. Khadyeva, V.N. Gubin and F.E. Shalkevich), ‘Geology’ (2016, co-authored with D.P. Plaks), ‘General Geology. Laboratory Practical Training’ (2017, co-authored with V.S. Khadyeva), ‘Palaeogeography’ (2019, co-authored with A.N. Galkin, L.I. Murashko, I.A. Krasovskaya, A.I. Pavlovsky), ‘General Geology. Laboratory Practical Training for Foreign Students’ (2020, co-authored with A.N. Galkin, V.S. Khadyeva), ’Historical Geology. Geology of Belarus. Practical Training’ (2021, coauthored with V.S. Khadyeva), ‘Historical Geology. Geology of Belarus. Practical Training for Foreign Students’ (2022, co-authored with A.N. Galkin, V.S. Khadyeva);
as well as 150 articles in journals and collections.
Scientific interests
Scientific activity, including full cycles of works – from scientific idea to practical implementation and recognition of research results in Belarus and abroad, is devoted to solving two main problems:
1) establishment of the formation, distribution, property, composition features of various types of fossil resins, substantiation of prospects for revealing their new deposits in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of Northern Eurasia, including within the territory of Belarus; the obtained results make a significant contribution to the creation of a new geological-evolutionary concept of resinogenesis and have been implemented at the All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Raw Materials (Moscow), the Institute of Geology of the Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar) and the Research and Production Center for Geology (Minsk).
2) creation of a comprehensive picture of the structure and formation features of Cenozoic sediments of the Brest region as a basis for the forecast of minerals and rational use of the geological environment; promising areas were identified, ranked by the degree of prospectivity using criteria that take into account the volume of mineral reserves, availability for development, environmental situation; the results were implemented in the Committee of Economy of the Brest Regional Executive Committee and the Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
and corresponds to the priority direction of scientific, scientific-technical and innovation activity in the Republic of Belarus ‘Energy, construction, ecology and rational nature management’ (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from 07.05.2020 № 156).
In recent years the scientific activity is devoted to substantiation of formation of urbanology as a new synthetic science about cities, systematisation of actual knowledge about peculiarities of various aspects of existence and development of cities and creation of general framework of knowledge system about real processes of their functioning.
The disciplines taught are: ‘Geology with the basics of soil science’, “Geomorphology”, “Paleogeography”, “History of the Earth”, “Geological aspects of the evolution of the biosphere”, “Geourbanistics”, “Spatial planning and development”.
According to Google Scholar citation statistics are 734 (286 from 2019), h-index is 14 (9 from 2019), i10-index is 19 (7 from 2019).
Participation in funded R&D
He was the leader of a number of assignments carried out within the framework of State Research Programmes, the leader and participant of several international scientific projects, including joint projects with the Institute of Geology of the Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar) and the Polish Geological Institute (Warsaw).
Scientific internships:
- Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2012),
- Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2014),
- Vilnius University (2017),
- John Paul II Academy of Bialsk (2019).
Awards, scholarships, honours:
- 1999, 2011 – scholarship holder of the President of the Republic of Belarus;
- 2005 – laureate of the V.F. Kuprevich Prize for Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
- 2010 – awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus;
- 2012 – holder of the personal allowance of the President of the Republic of Belarus for outstanding contribution to the socio-economic development of the Republic in the field of science;
- 2013 – winner of the S.G. Kondratenya Prize of Brest State A.S.Pushkin University (jointly with N.F. Grechanik);
- 2015 – awarded the Certificate of Honour of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
- 2015 – awarded the Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus;
- 2023 – awarded with the badge ‘Outstanding Educationalist of the Republic of Belarus’.
Membership in public organisations, councils
Member (since 1998), Deputy Chairman (since 2014) of the Brest Regional Branch of the Belarusian Geographical Society. Member (since 2013), Deputy Chairman (since 2016) of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus № 23 on the scientific direction ‘Earth Sciences’. Member (since 2013) of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus on the scientific direction ‘Ecology, natural resources, resource conservation, nature management and protection from emergency situations’. Member (since 2022) of the Scientific and Methodological Council under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (Section of Geography and Cartography).